There is always a cost to be paid when food is wasted.

Food waste in particular hits us with a double whammy – loss of incredible resources at the front end, and loss of resources at the tail end.

At the front end, energy, water, fuel and other resources are invested to grow and transport food many kilometres. If a farmer collects it for animal feed, there is a loss of time and fuel. And if it is processed into soil food, this also takes resources. But if its journey ends in a landfill, it will rot and produce methane ( a major greenhouse gas) and will incur disposal charges.

And all the while many people who could benefit from receiving surplus food go hungry.

What can be done?

There are so many ways this issue can be tackled. Where do we start?

Plate to Paddock has started and is tackling it from many aspects.

We know businesses can benefit from government assistance to help them use resources wisely, and we know that people like to be part of something bigger to change the world. We’re providing the opportunity for both to get on board and make it happen.

Plate to Paddock is simply taking the reality of food waste as it is, and helping businesses deal with the issues as best they can. This could mean helping you benefit from government assistance or promoting the measures you are taking to become more environmentally responsible.

We also know that customers are savvy. They are increasingly likely to frequent businesses which demonstrate a commitment to being environmentally responsible. They are starting to apply social pressure to do the right thing – whether the businesses owners believe in climate change or not.

Business can no longer afford to be seen to be doing nothing.

Where is the funding coming from?

The NSW government is admirably re-investing some of the waste levy into action towards waste reduction and recycling through the Waste Less Recycle More initiatives.

The Bin Trim program offers small and medium businesses free waste assessments and assistance to implement various actions to reduce their waste.  

Businesses may also be eligible for a rebate. This could cover up to half of the cost of recycling equipment (up to $50,000).

If you want to take advantage of this service, contact us here.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash